Elegant white wine, 100% Chardonnay. Of a light pale straw yellow color, it has a good harmony between a feeling of freshness and softness, enveloping, long in the finish with an aromatic and persistent return.
Unser roter Landwein zeigt sich klar rubinfarben, er hat einen jungen charmanten Charakter, so dass sich dieser Wein als idealer Partner zum Essen bestens eignet. Sein Körper ist satt und sein Geschmack sehr ausgewogen.
Add to cartLa bassa resa per ceppo insieme ad una rigorosa fermentazione controllata danno a questo vino un profumo intenso e un buon corpo, si presenta di colore giallo paglierino con nuances fruttate e floreali. Il suo sapore è asciutto e di buona persistenza, armonico e fresco. Un vino decisamente accordato.
Add to cartVino blanco elegante, 100% Chardonnay. De color amarillo pajizo claro, tiene una buena armonía entre la sensación de frescor y suavidad, envolvente, largo en el final con un retorno aromático y persistente.
Add to cartTypical white wine from San Gimignano. The wine making of the Vernaccia has a long and historic tradition. The name of this known white wine comes from the grape having the same name.
Our Vernaccia vineyards have selected positions and their grapes are exclusively used for white wine production.
It presents itself in a light straw-colour with greenly reflexes. Its fragrance is penetrating, fruity and floral. It has a harmonious taste with a characteristic almond aftertaste, with a good body.
Azienda Agricola Il Lebbio
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